What would Clement do?

A Labour blog that witters on about Clement Attlee. Hurrah for The Major!

Gutting The World Service – & Then Dinner With A Murdoch…

Am absolutely disgusted that any Government, of any complexion could let this happen. The BBC has a worldwide reputation, earned over decades, for the honesty and the depth of its coverage across the world.

Unlike Radio Moscow or its US equivalent, throughout the Cold War, the BBC not only covered stories worldwide with journalistic impartiality, but provided an honest picture of Great Britain to the whole world – warts and all.

Now is the time to email Jeremy (C)Hunt and deluge him with protest.

Although he will probably be too busy, chowing down with a Murdoch, whilst the Lib Dems are nowhere to be seen…

Email the following addresses: Hunt in Parliament – huntj@parliament.uk

DCMS – enquiries@culture.gis.gov.uk

Get going…

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